Visions & Aims
Our Vision
At Pennington Church of England School, we want our children to have an equal opportunity to achieve success and reach their full potential, regardless of gender, race, culture or background; and to become independent learners within a Christian environment, which is safe, caring and happy.
The whole school is committed to an exciting and relevant curriculum that has high expectations and is appropriate for individual needs and gives everyone the opportunity to succeed.
By working closely with children, staff, parents and the community, we will help our pupils to develop into well-motivated, resilient, responsible and fulfilled young people.
Our Aims
At Pennington C of E Primary School we aim for every child to:
Be safe through:
Ensuring that all children are safe, and feel safe from harm, neglect and bullying in a Christian environment which is happy, caring and nurturing and ensures every child is heard.
Have a healthy lifestyle through:
Developing high self-esteem, self discipline and respect for others, and understand the importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle.
Enjoy school and achieve to their full potential through:
Promoting a love of learning and an enjoyment of achievement; ensuring the highest academic, social and spiritual progress and achievement for each individual child. As well as, recognising that children develop at different rates, possess a variety of skills and abilities, have different needs and display a range of personalities and interests.
Achieve economic well being through:
Enabling all children to become life long, enquiring, motivated and happy learners; with a desire and confidence to learn, achieve and make decisions, and yet not to be afraid to make mistakes. To develop an understanding of the wider world, occupations and opportunities in the local community and beyond.
Make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community through:
Ensuring all those within our school community have mutual respect, kindness and consideration for others and recognise and celebrate the variety of cultures, religions, languages, experiences, needs, views and personal attributes within our school and the wider community.
This philosophy and aims support an acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, so that our pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
Our Christian Values:
At Pennington we aim to teach our children about the love of God and how they can live their lives through Christian values. The Pennington community have worked together to select values which are most pertinent to us. Although we focus on one Christian value each half term, we refer to all as they permeate our school ethos.
Our chosen Christian values are Thankfulness, Love, Resilience, Hope, Honesty, Respect, Forgiveness, Compassion and Patience.
You can find out more about each one and how they impact our lives below:
Who among you is wise and understanding?
Let him show by his good behaviour his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.
James 3:13
At Pennington C of E School, we aim to provide our pupils with a Christian environment in which they can thrive and develop, to fulfil their potential. We asked children, parents, governors and staff what they saw as the most important Christian Values for our school to develop to create that Christian ethos.
We adopted 9 Christian Values which guide and support that journey, and which permeate throughout school life: Respect, Compassion, Honesty, Forgiveness, Thankfulness, Patience, Hope, Love and Resilience. They provide all people at Pennington C of E school, adults and children alike, with a Christian environment in which to work and learn.
Our values are celebrated both explicitly and implicitly. Our school logo reflects our values in its design. Our values are displayed around the school, in classes and public places. They support our pupil’s charter and behaviour reward system. They are explored through collective worship and discussed in class time – children are asked ‘Which Christian values have you seen in action today?’ Their meaning and foundation are explored through the Bible. The relationships within school are founded on our values and we are proud of the warm and nurturing atmosphere we have. Each half term one of the values becomes a focus for our worship. However we encourage and develop all the values, at all times. Here is how we see each value in Pennington.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you
(John 15:12)
God the Father loves us and he sent his son Jesus, to show us how to care for each other. Love is a core Christian value for our school, because in the Bible we learn that God is Love and that God showed how much he loves us and how to love others, when he sent his son Jesus to live on earth. In our Pennington family love forms the basis of all that we do.
We share a love of learning, love for one another and love for the world that God made.
We show love to each other through small acts of kindness and through encouraging others with kind words, remembering that God loves us and we can love ourselves and others. We will let our love shine every day. This includes saying prayers for others, showing love in our choice of words – such as saying please and thank you. Showing kindness to others without being asked, and knowing when to help and when to let others learn for themselves etc.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.
(Matthew 7:12)
Respect is about valuing everyone and everything and celebrating our differences. We are all God’s people and we all matter. Indeed our school motto is ‘God gave each of us different gifts, together we can do great things.’ We celebrate our achievements – both in school and out – weekly in our Special Mention assembly. Respect involves taking responsibility for each other and speaking and interacting with others in a courteous manner. Our Pennington Child charter states that we have rights and responsibilities, starting with the right to be part of the Pennington family and the responsibility to welcome everyone, and finishing with the right to be themselves and be proud and the responsibility to respect that everybody is different. We encourage all stakeholders to live by these values. As you enter the school office you are welcomed by a sign saying ‘When you walk through this door….You know you are loved, respected and valued’.
The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
(Psalms 116:5)
Compassion is caring about someone else’s feelings and trying our best to understand how others might be feeling and offering to help that person. We can show that we are kind and caring by doing acts of kindness for anyone, friends, family or even people we don’t know. As each child starts at Pennington C of E School they are given a Year 6 buddy who helps them through the year, and these buddies become good friends. Each child is also put into a family group – each group having pupils from Reception up to Year 6. These buddies and family groups frequently work and play together. We also have playtime leaders who are there to help. We have weekly PSHE lessons which help us to understand the thoughts, feelings and actions of others.
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you.
(Matthew 6:14)
Jesus was uncompromising in his command to forgive. Forgive, he said, ‘seventy times seven’ (Matthew 18:21). Our school behaviour system rewards good behaviour and provides pupils with an opportunity to think about behaviour that does not fit with our pupil charter. Each day the pupils start at the beginning, regardless of what has happened previously – a fresh start every day. Children have the opportunity to think about others’ behaviour that has affected them, what they can do about it and most importantly how they can move on from it. Children are encouraged to apologise to others they may have upset, and to accept apologies given.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
(Hebrews 11:1)
‘Hope is not wishful thinking but a firm assurance that God can be relied upon.’ At Pennington C of E School we regularly look to the Bible for inspiration, support and guidance, to enrich our collective worship and to help us understand the values we try to live by. Our new logo has the cross at the centre to remind us that we can rely on God to guide us. As it says on our website….
“We believe in not ‘standing still’, looking forward to a future that is full of promise and wonder.”
We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves. We conduct pupil and parent questionnaires, we have a parent voice group, our school and class councils actively look for things the school can do to move forwards. We also look further afield, to how we can contribute to a better community and world around us. We regularly participate in fund raising and charity events from harvest festival contributions for the local homeless shelter, the action group looking for ways to develop our local community to national events like Red Nose Day and Jeans for Genes.
As it says on the front page of our website “At Pennington School, we are not afraid to dream!” and we do that with trust in God’s guidance.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (Psalm 28:7)
For Christians the greatest of all acts of worship is simply called ‘thanksgiving’. We carry out daily acts of worship in which we regularly thank God for what He has given us. We also celebrate the skills and talents we have in our special mention assemblies. We encourage the children to celebrate their local culture and traditions by participating in many local events like the Canal Anchor Festival or Another Fine Fest. But we also encourage the children to look further afield, around the world, to see what cultures and traditions other countries have, what they are thankful for. We use Picture News for some of our collective worship which helps us to know what is happening around the world, in different cultures and faiths.
The end of something is better than its beginning. Patience is better than pride
(Ecclesiastes 7:8)
Patience is a person’s ability to cope with challenges without getting upset. It is showing tolerance and acceptance towards others, even accepting difficult situations from them, without making demands or conditions. In the New Testament it is presented as endurance and self-restraint or not giving way to anger. Having patience means you can remain calm. Patience allows us to rely and trust in God’s timing regardless of circumstances. In our collective worship we remind ourselves through story, song and prayer that we can trust in God.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
(Matthew 5:8)
Being honest can sometimes be difficult, and we acknowledge that at Pennington C of E School. But we encourage all children to be honest, to take responsibility for their own actions, to be proud of who they are. We explore honesty and truthfulness not only through our collective worship but also through lessons about British values. We have an open culture and are proud to call ourselves a ‘talking school’. We want pupils to realise that honesty is the best policy and this is often discussed and explored through circle time and collective worship. We think about the importance of honesty and truthfulness in school and in society and we aim to equip the pupils to make informed moral choices.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
(2 Timothy 1:7)
Resilience is the strength of character to keep going even when we encounter a challenge. Christians learn from the Bible how to keep going, knowing that they don’t have to do it alone. The emphasis is not on how well they coped, but how they coped as they trusted God. At Pennington we know that we can make mistakes – that is how we learn – and that things will not always go the way we want them to, but that we can try again. The pupils and staff encourage each other, and this is seen in our staff meetings, our family days, our Special Mention assemblies, our creative homework sharing events and many, many other different ways. We know that it is worth trying again, keeping going, and eventually we will achieve what we set out to achieve and be proud of the effort we put in to get there.
At Pennington C of E School, our Christian values are an intrinsic, guiding part of our school life. They permeate everything we do and we are proud of the Christian ethos we have created.