Our Vision
To develop- Scientific knowledge and understanding.
- Observing, studying and explaining the physical world.
- Working scientifically: using different methods of scientific enquiry to understand the world around us.
- Science in action: how science can be used and its impact on our day-to-day lives.
At Pennington C of E Primary School, science in our school will fulfil Early Years Foundation Stage and national curriculum requirements.
We aim to develop transferable knowledge, skills and understanding of science both discretely and in the wider curriculum. We aim to be consistent and offer challenges to all children.
We provide a clear progression of knowledge and skills to pupils, staff and parents. We aim to be flexible and responsive to the needs of all learners, so all pupils may experience the joy of science and make associations between their science learning and their lives outside the classroom. We include practice of skills and opportunities for application of scientific enquiry and problem solving.
We aim to prepare children for life beyond Pennington and provide them with the skills to thrive because studying science allows children to appreciate how new knowledge and skills can be fundamental to solving arising global challenges.
At Pennington our implementation process involves careful progressive planning across school, ensuring that the EYFS and national curriculum objectives and requirements are met. Our committed staff members apply a consistent approach to the teaching of science.
Class teachers having a clear knowledge of their year group science. Promoting, practising and developing independence and team work alongside high expectations and pride in our work. Science lessons are fun, active and inclusive, ensuring all children participate and are fully engaged.
Our science scheme is a spiral curriculum, with essential knowledge and skills revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. A range of engaging recall activities promote frequent pupil reflection on prior learning, ensuring new learning is approached with confidence.
Each unit is based upon one of the key science disciplines; biology, chemistry and physics. To show progression throughout the school we have grouped the national curriculum content into six key areas of science:
- Plants
- Animals, including humans
- Living things and habitats
- Materials
- Energy
- Forces, earth and space
The impact of our science scheme can be constantly monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities, quizzes, learning journeys and work book content.
After implementing our science curriculum, pupils should leave school equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge.
They will have the necessary tools to confidently and meaningfully question and explore the world around them as well as critically and analytically experiencing and observing phenomena.
Pupils will understand the significance and impact of science on society