• Pennington, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 0RR



Our Vision
  • To ensure all children experience a high-quality computing education.
  • To equip children with the knowledge, skills, creativity, resilience and enthusiasm for the modern world and their future.
  • To effectively use ICT to enhance learning across the curriculum.
  • For children to be digitally literate, confident learners in computing using technology safely and responsibly.

Computing at Pennington C of E Primary School will fulfil Early Years Foundation Stage and national curriculum requirements.

All children will develop transferable knowledge, skills and understanding explicitly within Computing lessons and across other curriculum subjects. The teaching of computing will be consistent and offer challenge to all children. An adaptive and responsive teaching approach will be used to meet the needs of all learners.

Children will be able to use computational thinking and creativity to further understand our world as well as gaining a deep, conceptual computing understanding. We aim to ensure all children become digitally literate-able to use, and express themselves safely as well as developing their ideas, through information and communication technology so they are prepared for life after Pennington in a digital world. 


We implement this by careful, progressive planning across school ensuring that the EYFS and national curriculum objectives and requirements are met. Committed staff members deliver a consistent approach to the teaching of Computing using PurpleMash in order to teach digital literacy, information technology and computer science. 

Project Evolve is also used for teaching online safety. Knowledge and skills are mapped across each topic and year group to ensure systematic progression. All children have access to the hardware and software-iPads in Key Stage 1 and iPads, chrome books and laptops in Key Stage 2- that they need to develop knowledge and skills of digital systems and their applications.


Our approach to the curriculum results in a fun, engaging, and high-quality computing education. The quality of children’s learning is evident on Purple Mash and in Learning Journeys.

Evidence such as this is used to inform teachers’ future planning and enables them to revisit misconceptions and knowledge gaps in computing when teaching other curriculum areas.

This supports varied paces of learning and ensures all pupils including those with SEND make good progress so that they are equipped with experiences which will benefit them in the future.