• Pennington, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 0RR



Our Vision
  • To teach our children the basic mathematical skills in order for them to apply the skills within their learning.
  • To guarantee that every child develops numerical proficiency and becomes a well-rounded mathematician.
  • To enable our children to confidently reason and justify their mathematical thinking.
  • To equip children with the necessary skills to positively approach the diverse range of problem-solving scenarios they may face throughout their lifetime.
  • To develop a ‘can do’ attitude in order to foster a positive mindset, particularly when it comes to problem-solving and reasoning skills.

At Pennington C of E Primary School, our mathematics curriculum fulfils Early Years Foundation Stage and national curriculum requirements while developing students’ transferable knowledge, skills, and understanding of maths – both discretely and across the wider curriculum.

Our maths scheme consistently challenges and engages all children, showing a clear progression of knowledge and skills for pupils, staff and parents. We are flexible and inclusive, responding to all learners’ needs so that every student can experience the joy of maths and can make connections between their learning and the world outside the classroom.

Our maths lessons provide opportunities to practise basic skills, become fluent learners, justify responses and problem-solve. Ultimately, we aim to prepare children for life beyond Pennington by providing them with the skills needed to understand and explore a variety of challenges.


In our school, we follow White Rose Maths (alongside Mastery Maths in EYFS and Key Stage 1). This provides a consistent, progressive journey across school from Reception to Year 6. White Rose Maths provides a step-by-step approach to learning the fundamental skills required to gain a strong knowledge of mathematics.

We ensure that maths underpins our school curriculum and provide opportunities to explore and develop mathematics across the wider curriculum, including on our outdoor-learning days. Committed staff members apply a consistent approach to the teaching of maths, using the chosen schemes, whilst also having the flexibility to use other mastery materials to enhance teaching and learning.

Teachers in each class have a deep understanding of the maths curriculum for their year group. They actively promote, demonstrate, and nurture independence and teamwork skills, while upholding high expectations and instilling a sense of pride in work. 


The impact of our maths scheme can be regularly monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities, including: end of block quizzes, half-termly assessments, learning journeys and workbook content. This ensures the subject leader and Senior Leadership Team have a clear whole-school picture, informed by White Rose Maths and DFE (SAT) assessments.

This, alongside the thorough gap analysis helps to prioritise and plan for improvement, ensuring all children make at least good progress.

Furthermore, pupils whose progress slows is detected quickly and appropriate support and intervention is provided using Number Stacks to identify and address gaps within learning.