Our Vision
- To provide an engaging, inspiring education.
- To develop a lifelong love and appreciation of music, both performing and listening.
- To develop pupils’ confidence and talent as musicians, in turn increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.
- To provide opportunities for pupils to engage with live performance.
- To develop a growing understand of musical concepts, terms and vocabulary.
At Pennington C of E School we aim to fulfil Early Years Foundation Stage and national curriculum requirements in music.
Our music curriculum is underpinned by our school’s Christian values. We will provide high quality lessons which will enable pupils to develop transferable knowledge, skills and understanding , enabling them to develop into confident performers, composers and listeners. Sessions will be based on quality, first-hand experiences and will offer challenge to all children.
Children will develop the musical skills of singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing music and listening and responding to music. Music lessons will be flexible and responsive to the needs of all learners. They will celebrate progress and have clear next steps. Pupils will be prepared for life beyond Pennington and have the skills to thrive.
Using the Kapow Music scheme we guarantee careful, progressive planning across the school ensuring that the EYFS and national curriculum objectives and requirements are met with high quality first teaching.
Lessons will teach the five musical strands of performing, listening, composing, history of music and the inter-related dimensions of music using a spiral curriculum model. Pupils will actively participate in musical activities drawn from a range of styles and traditions.
Class teachers will have a thorough knowledge of the children in their class so that planning and teaching is responsive to the needs of learning and different learning styles. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate their own successes and those of others. Lessons in music provide opportunities to promote, practice and develop independence and team-work. With high expectations of behaviour, the pupils demonstrate our Christian values.
Opportunities are provided for pupils to listen to and engage in live performances and one year group has a year of guitar tuition. There are regular CPD opportunities for staff.
Pupils will be equipped with a range of skills to enable them to succeed in their secondary education and be able to enjoy and appreciate music throughout their lives. They will be confident performers, composers and listeners and will be able to express themselves musically.
They will show an appreciation and respect for a wide range of musical styles from around the world and through different eras. They will begin to learn how to notate music and will understand ways in which music can be written down to support performing and composing. They will demonstrate and articulate an enthusiasm for music and be able to identify their own personal musical preferences. They have an opportunity in one year to learn a musical instrument. The subject leader and SLT have a clear whole school picture.
All children make expected or better progress in music and will meet the end of key stage expectations.