Physical Education
Physical Education
Our Vision
- To inspire all our children to develop a love of physical activity and sport and live a healthy, active lifestyle.
- That every child has the skills and confidence to enjoy and excel in PE lessons and strive for their personal best.
- To ensure PE is a focus in all subjects.
- That every child competes for our school at an external competition or festival.
- To develop healthy minds, as well as bodies and continue to support our children’s well-being.
- To maintain strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community.

At Pennington Church of England Primary School we aim to fulfil Early Years Foundation Stage and national curriculum requirements. PE is underpinned by our school’s Christian Values and School Games Values.
We will provide high quality lessons which are active and inclusive. Through regular assessments, we will ensure that every child makes progress and help the children know their next steps and how to move on.
We will promote mindfulness and support our children to develop a healthy mental state and prepare them for their secondary education and life beyond Pennington.
We aim to nurture confident, resilient children who enjoy being active. We provide regular CPD opportunities for staff.
Using the Get Set 4 PE scheme we guarantee careful, progressive planning across the school ensuring that the EYFS and national curriculum objectives and requirements are met with high quality first teaching. Enthusiastic staff and sports coaches apply a consistent approach to the teaching of PE using the curriculum map and scheme. Our lessons are adapted to individual needs. Children are taught play in a safe, competitive way with the importance of fair play and sportsmanship being instilled. Children strive for their personal best individually and within teams.They are encouraged to celebrate their own successes and those of others. With high expectations of behaviour, the children demonstrate our Christian and School Games Values.
We provide a wide range of sports, personal challenges, after school clubs and active playtimes.

With clear vision children at Pennington know the importance of being active, eating well and being physically and mentally well.
We have an inclusive curriculum and ensure all pupils participate and succeed in team games and personal challenges and be active at playtimes. Pupils know where they are and what they will learn next. They will develop strong social, moral, cultural and spiritual attitudes. The subject leader and SLT have a clear whole school picture from regular assessment. All children make expected or better progress in PE at Pennington, will be active out of school, and go on to have an active and healthy life.