• Pennington, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 0RR

Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium is additional government funding provided to support and raise the attainment of children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), looked after children (LAC), children who have been adopted from state care and children who have parents in the regular armed forces .  It also includes pupils who have been eligible for FMS at any point in the last six years (Ever 6).

At Pennington C of E Primary School, we have a very clear and focused rationale and strategy for improving outcomes for children eligible for Pupil Premium Funding and we review the impact of Pupil Premium regularly to ensure impact.

You can access our Strategy Plan and impact reports below.

Impact of Pupil Premium grant 23-24

Impact of Pupil Premium grant 22-23

Impact of Pupil Premium grant 21-22

Do you think you may be eligible to the Pupil Premium Grant, if so, please click here

Pupil Premium Provision Summary

At Pennington C of E Primary School Pupil Premium Funding is used in the following ways:

Teaching Assistant Support

We employ skilled teaching assistants at Pennington and we deploy them carefully to support children’s learning. This may be in the form of one to one work or group work in the classroom or out of the classroom. Sometimes our teaching assistants work within the classroom allowing the class teacher to concentrate on a specific group of children. When children work outside the classroom on focused tasks, the class teacher is able to concentrate his or her teaching on a smaller number of children, addressing more specific needs.

Additional Teacher Support

We employ additional teacher support, where required, to teach 1-1 or small groups, with a very specific focus to accelerate learning in English and/or mathematics.

Family Support

We provide family support where required to prevent or overcome any barriers to learning for our children. We also create opportunities for all our families to increase their own knowledge in how they can support their child’s educational development both at home and at school via support in school, organising courses and sharing information.

Specific Tailored Programmes and Interventions

Sometimes specific programmes or interventions, usually short term, are established; where it is felt a child has a specific need which must be addressed in order for them to progress with their learning. This may be provided by a qualified teacher or a teaching assistant with specific skills.

Educational Visits/Visitors in School

In addition, support may be given to allow children to access valuable learning experiences at Pennington. For example subsidising educational visits and residentials or visitors into school.

Ensuring Impact at Pennington

The progress of all our children, including our pupil premium children is monitored regularly by the Headteacher, subject leaders, SENDCo and class teachers. Formal monitoring happens once a term and necessary actions are agreed to prevent any child falling behind and to ensure more able children remain challenged. Intervention programmes and whole school strategies are evaluated closely and impact measured. This information is used to decide future actions.