Gifted and Talented
‘God has given each of us different gifts Together we can do great things.’
Gifted and Talented
We aim to support all pupils at Pennington C of E Primary School and believe in the possibility that everyone is gifted and talented, some of us have just not yet discovered or recognised where we shine.
We aim to seek out all talents and offer opportunities to support them. Identified gifted and talented children are also provided for through adaptive teaching in the classroom, additional activities within school, such as a maths club or out of school activities such as specialist tuition, i.e. sports activities.
If you feel that your child is gifted and talented in a particular area, please share your thoughts with the school.
If a pupil needs time off school to practice or showcase their talents, an ‘Application for Pupil Leave of Absence Form’ can be obtained from the school office. Each individual case will be considered and time off will be granted if a pupil is representing their country or county. Other circumstances will be carefully considered.